Peacocks and Other Thoughts

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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Home of the Gourd Monster

Our newest HR manager introduced the Halloween Gourd Contest to the office this year . . . As I took Halloween as a PTO day (the primary reason being the need to sleep at some point this weekend between all the Birthday and Halloween parties), I decided I had best participate in the gourd challenge. No one told me cutting a gourd was the equivalent to chiseling an arrow head from stone.

As I dutifully hacked at my gourd with the office knives (yes - our office has knives, which sounds scarier than it actually is), I quickly realized my original grandiose plans would never work. After ten minutes of patient slicing, hacking, and generally trying to keep my fingers out from under the blade, I managed to behead my gourd. I then scooped out the inside. . . and as I was looking at the stem and the goopy mass of innards and seeds, an idea bloomed.

I introduce you to the gourd monster!!!! FEAR HIM!!!!!

If you just said "Awww," the gourd monster's curse will take effect. HE IS NOT CUTE. He is fearsome . . . and . . . um . . . yeah. (I think it's the little mousy-ear seeds that deceive everybody.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Memoirs of a Fox - Kanon AMV

For those who are curious about Kanon (the latest anime I've been gushing about), here is a sample video that demonstrates how out-of-this-world BEAUTIFUL the animation (not to mention the story) is. Kanon centers around Yuuichi's return to a northern city after a seven year absence. As he tries to settle into every day life, he meets a flock of mysterious girls - including a fiery red-head named Makoto - who has a severe case of amnesia. Yuuichi does his best to support each girl in her individual battle. Some are won. Some are lost. But the overall theme is about the importance of friendship and support. Kindness given is kindness returned. I highly recommend it!

Mid-Life Crisis

I don't think I've reached my mid-life crisis yet . . . but I may be getting close. I'm definitely beginning to feel the itch to make massive life changes, some of them necessary - some of them probably not. Slowly, but surely, I am reaching my goals.

I also feel it necessary to apologize for the last post. I had one of my rare moments of self doubt - wherein I decided nobody loves me, nobody wants to read what I write, and I might as well delete most of my rambling . . . leaving a rather ambiguous bare bones post. What can I say? We're all human (or I was the last I checked . . . I suppose nothing prevents the pod people from changing me out for a spore while I sleep).

That said . . . I've been making leaps and bounds in remembering who I am and what I like. If I sound like an amnesiac . . . I think most women will understand where I am coming from. I honestly think it is a gender-based trait that we tend to "lose" ourselves - in a job, in a relationship, caring for our children, etc. and have to periodically send out search parties. My "absence" has been necessary, but it is nearing time for it to be over! HOORAY!!! (I am reminded of a story a therapist shared with me at a brown bag lunch presentation. She had a client who "suddenly" left her husband of 30 years after she realized no one knew her first name. She was "so-and-so's mother" or "Mrs. Smith," or "so-and-so's sister." 30 YEARS!!!) Of course no one in her family understood - but I'm sure she left with a bullhorn and a backpack, ready to forge into the wilderness and find herself.

As for me - another National Novel Writer's Month approaches, and I am preparing to do battle with the final third of my story. This year, I am determined not only to win NanoWriMo - but to finish my novel - be it 50,000 words . . . or 150,000 words! I'm not stopping until the fat lady sings (or in my case, the Triad tears open the world and the oceans divide the continent . . . it's one heck of a finale, trust me)! Then I can finally rewrite the beginning and edit the puppy . . . followed by (HOPEFULLY) publication!

With my revival of self, I've also started percolating some new ideas . . . and I'm thinking of trying my hand at an anime series . . . the only thing holding me back is my inability to draw. I have a killer idea for a storyline - a story called "Angels" that I never seem to get out of my head and onto paper - wherein two Angels accidentally tear the soul out of a mortal girl, and have to deal with the Heavenly repercussions. So this Christmas I'm hoping for a few "How to Draw Manga" books. On the other hand, if you're an artist - or you know an artist - who would be interested in co-creating. . . by all means LET ME KNOW!!!!

With 5 days until Nano, my friends and family are preparing for my annual hermitude. Posts will probably be limited to excerpts from my novel . . . but you never know. As I'm finding the lost pieces of my soul, I'm finding surprising bursts of energy . . . so stay tuned!

Jaa mata! (See you later!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Kindness. What happened to simple no-frills-attached kindess? With the Holidays approaching, I've been in a strange mental state - sort of a mix of nostalgia and melancholy with a good dose of bi-polar disorder thrown in. Things have been going well - I've just been seeing the world through some very strangely tinted glasses.

And then P. and I had a very interesting conversation as we car-pooled into work (YAY for the HOV!) - a conversation about simple kindness. And I realized that "kindness" is one of the major themes of anime - and may account for part of why I hold Japanese animation as a holy grail of animation types. Every series I can think of (okay - every series I enjoyed - because let's face it, anime is like country music - when it's bad . . . it's BAD) has had an element of kindness at its core. When the world goes to hell, it's the kindness that let's the characters wade through it.

T. and I have recently been watching a series called Kanon (Kah -n - own) (I have a heck of a time pronouncing the darn thing), which is a study in kindness. I watch the main character, and I think "What is wrong with people that we don't treat each other with that same level of kindness?" It is hard to imagine a world in which everyone is kind to each other - and the levels of crime, hate, and war don't taper off. I'm not saying that it would create a Utopia. But kindness works miracles.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Serenity - See Who I Am

This clip will be of absolutely no interest to anyone who didn't follow Jos (or is it Joss?) Whedon's series Firefly. This is my shot at a music vid set to his series finale movie, which was titled "Serenity."

It's an odd hobby . . . but I'm beginning to think maybe I should try breaking into the movie preview/trailer/commercial biz. What do you think? (And remember: Friends don't let friends sing on American Idol!).

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Bronco Obsession

My parents are obsessed with football. More precisely, they are obsessed with the Broncos . . . although even college football will do in a pinch. My mother has finally reached her crowning achievement in life . . . which was walking up to John Elway and poking him in the ribs. For every birthday, Christmas, or other gift-giving event, whenever I ask what they would like, the response is similar to: "Oh, you know - anything Broncos."

Meet my problem . . .

What do you get someone who has the collector's plate series and wall plaques?

Not to mention pillows, wall hangings, and stained-glass lamps . . . . (the child is MINE! all MINE!!!).

Matching coffee table . . . and coasters . . .

Collector's trophy, signed miniature helmets, and official Bronco memorabilia display case (note the logo on the glass) . . .

Collector's figurines, John Elway statue, miniature stadium replica (Invesco) . . .

Pom poms, figurines, framed bronco pictures and stats, miniature football, miniature stadium (Mile High), over-size cup, and ice cream container (not a collector's item . . . to my knowledge, but they kept it anyway) . . .

Stadium picture, helmet-shaped snack dish, wooden football, orange paper decoration football, VHS collection of games and greatest moments, and miniature "tail-gate" truck (the silver rectangle to the right of the photo is the truck's grill) . . .

Pennant flags, bobble-head commentators, artist's sketch of John Elway as a child, Wheaties box (still containing Wheaties, to my knowledge) . . .

Post-its . . . Can't forget the post-its. And sports Illustrated poster.

Trash can . . .

Windsock. . .

Couch potato . . .

Not to mention the stuff my mom keeps at school (she's a 1st grade teacher) so she doesn't suffer separation anxiety while at work . . .

And (not pictured) - the watches, jerseys, sunglasses, umbrella, jackets, mouse pads, house key, wallet, checkbook cover, temporary tattoos (recently acquired for her birthday), car windshield cover, foam helmet, styrofoam bricks, potato sack, queen-sized sheet and comforter set . . . .