Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Those big fat flakes that I found so endearing turned into a full-blown snowstorm! I faithfully called into work at 6:15 a.m. on Thursday to listen to their "bad weather" posting - which informed me we had an hour late start. So I sighed and went to brush off the car. Doesn't look so bad, right?
Until you realize this is the car next to me.
On the plus side, my yew tree looked absolutely lovely. And it's pretty hardy - the snow didn't break any branches that I could tell!
The schools were closed, so I took A. to the grandma's. Needless to say, the subdivisions were definitely where the worst driving conditions could be found. Whoever cleared their roads decided that building a one and a half to two foot berm as a ridge down the middle of the street was the best way to go. I nearly high-centered my vehicle :P :P :P (For those who don't have to deal with snow (Ms. B. in Las Vegas!) - high-centered is when you manage to land your vehicle in a drift of snow so that the tires can't get any traction, and the whole underside is filled with snow - making it nigh impossible to dig out). That berm was stubborn!

Luckily, before I started into work, I decided to call the bad weather line again . . . and surprise surprise, they opted to close the office! SNOW DAY!!!
I had originally taken Friday as a vacation day, but since we had Thursday as a snow day, I opted to go in. Unfortunately, it was also the day of our Halloween party, but as I had not intended to be there, I wore no costume. (I did, however, quote Clerks a LOT. "I'm not even supposed to BE here TODAY!"). Since everyone gave me a rough time about the costume, I eventually grabbed a few pens and a redwell label, and made the following nametag. The folks who know me thought it was a riot. Everyone else was confused! LOL.
I had originally taken Friday as a vacation day, but since we had Thursday as a snow day, I opted to go in. Unfortunately, it was also the day of our Halloween party, but as I had not intended to be there, I wore no costume. (I did, however, quote Clerks a LOT. "I'm not even supposed to BE here TODAY!"). Since everyone gave me a rough time about the costume, I eventually grabbed a few pens and a redwell label, and made the following nametag. The folks who know me thought it was a riot. Everyone else was confused! LOL.

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