This One's for You, Brandy - Florida Part 3.
The long drive to Orlando (which was approximately 200 miles from Miami). Why yes . . . yes they do prop up their trees. Our timeshare representative even shared the fascinating fact that they only have a few deaths per year caused by trees being blown onto the highway . . .
Ah . . . sunny Orlando. Where the gift shops are in stiff competition and use fantastic eye-catching gimmicks to try and attract your business.

At least the wind kept the bugs off :P :P :P
The second hotel was much better than the first. Our bathroom had a slight issue - the shower rod had been broken and bowed out, and one of the towel racks was crooked. Taken together, it looked like the bathroom was collapsing in on itself. I nicknamed it the "imploding bathroom."

Most of my exploration in Orlando seemed to be centered around places to eat lunch and dinner. There is only one thing I can say to the following image. Fear me.
Given that A. is only four (er . . . three - four next month), I figured that Disney World would be a lot of money not very well spent - so we went to Sea World. (Who am I kidding? I love Sea World. I would go there over Disney any day :P :P :P) Sea World was awesome. The second exhibit we blundered into was a petting pool for sting rays. A. was enchanted. The stingrays really reacted well to A. - veering out of their normal patterns and zooming over to him. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I saw another visitor feeding the stingrays a long slender fish that bore a strong resemblance to the exact size and shape of A.'s fingers . . . Yes. The stingrays were trying to eat my child. :P :P :P
After that, we visited the manatees, and were fortunate enough to catch them at feeding time. I got A. to smile the rest of the day by saying "Say, cheese with the manatees!"
Then we found the underwater dolphin cave - which was more than amazing. The pictures do far more justice than any description. The animals were so close that A. kept trying to touch them. And the dolphins were obviously just as curious about the kids and the other people - swimming up to the glass and looking at us with their wise black eyes.

In Colorado, we have pigeons. In Florida, they have strange white birds that run under your table and eat spilled french fries.

It wouldn't be Sea World without Shamu.

T. was eventually allowed on the flight home (there was some concern that he might burst an eardrum - but all is well that ends well). And, of course, as we headed for the airport, the sun came out and the skies turned blue.
All in all, it was a good vacation. Though I think I might stick with an all inclusive resort next time. And I am proud to say - I came home - AND I DON'T OWN A TIMESHARE. MU HA HA HA HA HA.