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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Cruise at the End of the Rainbow . . .

After five long years of suffering at the hands of endless hold music; after being threatened by supervisors, hung up on by peons, and sent apology gift certificates that I only have to pay 50% of the total cost to use . . . there is, indeed, a cruise at the end of the Rainbow.

I am officially preparing to depart on February 16, 2008 for the Carnival ship Fascination (please note that I have no beef with Carnival - which is a reputable cruise line - my beef is with the scam travel agents who sold me the cruise). Unless, of course, the timeshare people lead me into an aquarium and hand out popscicle sticks with little cut-outs of the Carnival cruise ship on them. Really, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised.

Aside from hopping A. up on Mountain Dew and donuts and letting him run wild, I have decided I will give the timeshare folks one last chance. When they ask me to buy something, I will very calmly say: "I would rather beat you bloody with a stick than buy another product from your company, and if you are very wise, you will not ask me why." If they do ask, I will patiently explain the entire 40 minute story to everyone in the room.

But as long as I survive the next week without going homicidal (vs. suicidal, which is their other marketing ploy) . . . there is a cruise. There really really is a cruise.

And since I finally bought a new camera, I'll even be able to post pictures!

Bon voyage everyone. I shall return sometime after 02/26/08.

P.S. For the curious - the furnace is officially fixed for the low price of only $200 (WHEW!!!!). I also apparently have a vintage 1982 furnace in perfect condition - no rust spots or cracks, which according to the furnace man is nigh impossible. The problem was my limiter was stuck open . . . and the second problem was very few folks have parts for a 1982 furnace. It seems they don't make them anymore. Huh. Luckily, furnace man patiently dug around in his vehicle (blowing dust off the shelves, I imagine) and at long last, found a piece he has carried around for several years that could be converted to fit my antique roadshow piece. I have officially named the furnace "Old Bessy." Let us hope she lives up to her namesake.


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