The Wild Animal Sanctuary
For those who have not heard, The Wild Animal Sanctuary (based in Colorado) is closing. The sanctuary is not closing due to lack of space, or lack of caring - it is closing due to lack of FUNDING. At this point, the Sanctuary is not even trying to save itself - it is merely trying to collect enough money to provide food and transport to a new sanctuary for its current population of 150 animals. (The Sanctuary is currently looking at shutting down by September 2, 2006.)
There are not many causes I feel deserve support - THIS IS ONE THAT DOES. This sanctuary rescues abused or confiscated exotic wildlife - ANIMALS THAT CANNOT BE PLACED IN ZOOS (due to both overpopulation in the zoos, and imperfections such as declawed, defanged, or spayed). Many of these animals have been rescued from abusive situations - and to uproot them again seems beyond the bounds of cruelty.
Over the years, I have watched the news, and sanctuary after sanctuary is closing. As each sanctuary shuts down, it overloads the next sanctuary in a tragic domino effect. THE PROBLEM IS BEING IGNORED.
I may not have the pocketbook to significantly help this sanctuary - but I do have a voice, and a blog, and friends. Over the next few weeks, I will be doing my best to think of ways to secure some funding. (I'm already lobbying at work for my employer to give "matching donations" for any money the employees scrape together.)
Please do what you can to help. IF NOTHING ELSE, SPREAD THE WORD!!! The more people who see the sanctuary's plight - the harder it is to ignore. Every dollar means another animal fed - and maybe another animal sent to safety. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU TRULY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
There are not many causes I feel deserve support - THIS IS ONE THAT DOES. This sanctuary rescues abused or confiscated exotic wildlife - ANIMALS THAT CANNOT BE PLACED IN ZOOS (due to both overpopulation in the zoos, and imperfections such as declawed, defanged, or spayed). Many of these animals have been rescued from abusive situations - and to uproot them again seems beyond the bounds of cruelty.
Over the years, I have watched the news, and sanctuary after sanctuary is closing. As each sanctuary shuts down, it overloads the next sanctuary in a tragic domino effect. THE PROBLEM IS BEING IGNORED.
I may not have the pocketbook to significantly help this sanctuary - but I do have a voice, and a blog, and friends. Over the next few weeks, I will be doing my best to think of ways to secure some funding. (I'm already lobbying at work for my employer to give "matching donations" for any money the employees scrape together.)
Please do what you can to help. IF NOTHING ELSE, SPREAD THE WORD!!! The more people who see the sanctuary's plight - the harder it is to ignore. Every dollar means another animal fed - and maybe another animal sent to safety. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU TRULY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
I heard part of an interview on KOSI this morning with the lady from the Sanctuary. I think they were trying to bring the plight of the Sanctuary more into the public light. Hopefully they were able to spark some interest and get them some assistance. I will have to see if they were able to help in any way.
I hope so. Unfortunately my employer turned down matching the employee donations, but we still collected close to $600. One of my coworkers pointed out that the entire sanctuary could be kept up and running if 100,000 people per year would donate just $5 a piece - so while we had hoped to gather more, our donation is the equivalent of 120 people . . . not too shabby!
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