Who knew a fourth a cup of Bailey's Irish Cream could make me tipsy?
At long last . . . I post the proof. I officially know someone who was REJECTED by E-Harmony (who even knew that on-line dating services rejected people)? I post this with her full knowledge and consent.

My mother's comment was: "What did she put down? That she worships trees?"
No . . . no. I'm pretty sure tree worshipers would find a map . . . er match. (Stupid Bailey's.)
At long last . . . I post the proof. I officially know someone who was REJECTED by E-Harmony (who even knew that on-line dating services rejected people)? I post this with her full knowledge and consent.

My mother's comment was: "What did she put down? That she worships trees?"
No . . . no. I'm pretty sure tree worshipers would find a map . . . er match. (Stupid Bailey's.)
Yeah, it has to be something else. I worship trees just fine and wasn't rejected. Never got a date off them (did better off Yahoo, though all those pretty much ended up sucking) but I wasn't rejected.
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