This Intermission Brought to You By . . .
The technological world - ever changing. Our hobbies. Our interests. Our children growing up . . . This intermission is brought to you by the advent of Facebook and my child officially starting Kindergarten. In all honesty, I will probably shut down my blog fairly soon - I'm not updating near as much as I used to - and I think it has served its purpose for several years. Now I just need to figure out how to capture the information so my favorite entries can be added to a real journal. Regardless . . . the rest of August will be mostly devoted to two things - me finally getting a vacation (a go nowhere - stay at home - and do whatever I feel like doing vacation) - and adjusting to new schedules. Can you believe I kept forgetting my child is entering the school system - and so I kept making doctor appointments and vacation plans for AFTER he started school?! Heh. At least my pain has provided amusement for several others.
All of this to say - I'm still here! I'm just having to be selective about where my time is going, and unfortunately, Blogger is not ranked high on the list at the moment. For those who know my real name - I've joined Facebook, and you can look for quirky comments there. Otherwise - we'll see if the muse strikes me and I wish to continue my blog - or if I let it fade. (And feel free to weigh in on the decision. If you enjoy reading my blog, I'd love to hear it!)
Jaa mata! (See you later). Kyuugatsu kamoshiranai (Maybe in September . . . ).
All of this to say - I'm still here! I'm just having to be selective about where my time is going, and unfortunately, Blogger is not ranked high on the list at the moment. For those who know my real name - I've joined Facebook, and you can look for quirky comments there. Otherwise - we'll see if the muse strikes me and I wish to continue my blog - or if I let it fade. (And feel free to weigh in on the decision. If you enjoy reading my blog, I'd love to hear it!)
Jaa mata! (See you later). Kyuugatsu kamoshiranai (Maybe in September . . . ).
I have to say, I'm not looking forward to the intermission/abandonment of the blog. I even added you to my feed reader because I like to see when you update. Please don't give it up entirely! (Today's cooking post gives me some hope that maybe you were just in a mood yesterday.)
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