2009 Trip to the Sanctuary
As anyone who knows me knows (and if you don't know - then you don't know me :P :P :P), my charity of choice is The Wild Animal Sanctuary, a facility that rescues large carnivores from all over the country (and even out of country), and is located roughly 30 minutes from Denver. The Sanctuary is an awesome place, both their mission and the habitats they have provided for their critters . . . When you visit the Sanctuary, you know the animals are happy. You can see it.
And since a picture is worth a thousand words . . . tigers tigers everywhere. And lions, and servals, and EEP!
Just a note - while the enclosures in the roundhouse appear small, they represent temporary holding pens for when the tigers are new, in need of rehabilitation, or older animals who need the heated interior to be comfortable through the winter. Most animals are eventually released into the larger habitats . . . which include swimming pools, concrete dens, and most importantly . . . acres and acres of land.

And by the way - lions are a LOT bigger than you think. They have a stuffed lion (for educational purposes) in their observatory. It's NOT the camera angle. I stand eye-to-eye with the beastie - and suddenly I have a whole new respect for small African villages that live in fear of these carnivores. And A. . . . A. is a hamburger bite.

The rescued animals have all the comforts they could want. A swimming pool to lounge in - or a shaft of sun in which to bake their brains. It doesn't take much to make for BIG happy kitties.

Unlike a zoo, where you walk habitat to habitat, the Sanctuary has an observation platform . . . and a plethora of tigers underneath.

There are also smaller habitats, with little exotic fuzzies. The serval was a sweetie! (Is it just me - or does her head look to small for her body?)
Jaguar? Jaguar? Can you find the Jaguar?
A long story short . . . The Wild Animal Sanctuary is a place well worth supporting! And the most important support doesn't come from wealthy donors . . . but from regular donors who can give small amounts on a CONSISTENT basis. They have multiple animal adoption plans, by which you can contribute $10, $20, or $30 a month . . . and those contributions keep this amazing place open! Adoptions also make great gifts. After all, who can find fault with doing a good deed for a fuzzy! For more information, you can check their web-site at http://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/ but I highly recommend this organization. And if you can - GO THERE!
And since a picture is worth a thousand words . . . tigers tigers everywhere. And lions, and servals, and EEP!
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