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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Rumors of My Expiration . . .

The rumors of my expiration, while untrue, were partially true. To recap - I caught a virus from my little petri dish (he brought it home from daycare) that knocked me out for a month. While everyone yelled at me to go home or get to a doctor, the teachers at the daycare and T. both confirmed that the darn thing was viral and there was nothing current medical science could do. Which meant I've had extremely low energy levels and a hideous cough . . . but felt fairly decent otherwise.

I was also frantically scrubbing my house from top to bottom because my cousin-in-law and aunt-in-law both became Mary Kay representatives, and I agreed to host the obligatory "please come to my house because I'm helping my relatives" debut party. Much to my surprise, pretty much everyone I invited came - which was awesome - but also left me quite thankful that I had folding chairs and TV trays to supplement my livingroom furniture space. I also have three bottles of wine leftover and no idea what to do with them . . . hrm.

I did make a few interesting discoveries during my cleaning spree . . . one of the cats thinks duffel bags = litterbox. GRRRRRRR. And while vacuuming the stairs, I noticed A. learned to write his name. In crayon. On the wall. And I left it there (because it's CUTE!).

In short . . . I'm tired. Happy . . . but tired. I think I've finally outgrown my warranty. Any damages to physical health or energy levels is no longer covered by the "exuberance of youth" clause. Instead, I have to flop in a chair (maybe with a glass of wine . . . hey!)


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