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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Plot Bunnies!!!!

I finally managed to jump a small piece of writer's block that was littering the path on the way to Nano-winning goodness. I'm at roughly 42,200 words now - so breaking 50,000 by the end of the month should be simple - especially since I don't have work on Black Friday. HOORAY!!!!

Nano Nano Nano.


"Got it," Feather said. "She understands. We can only give you a few seconds."

"A few seconds for what?" Trev asked, but then the griffins were in motion, a blur of speed and muscle. Feathers gold body met Cinder’s white and cinnamon with a meaty thud, and the two raked at each other viciously with their front paws, sending out a shower of multi-colored feathers.

Gwen circled warily, trying to find a way to separate the two fighting griffins, not realizing that her path put her closer to Trev than to the Lady Brianna.

Feather lowered one shoulder and rammed Cinder, trying to knock the smaller griffin off her feat. Cinder took the punishing hit, raking Feather’s haunch with one paw and drawing several lines of blood. Feather shrieked and whirled, his tail whipping into Gwen and sending her careening into Trev.

They went down in a tangle of arms and legs, hidden from Brianna’s sight by the bodies of the two wrestling griffins.

Gwen tried to speak, but Feather’s blow had knocked most of the breath out of her. “Look,” she gasped, ribcage heaving. She gulped hard, “look . . . to the ones . . . that are missing.” She dropped her head onto Trev’s chest, trying desperately to force more air into her burning lungs. “Stupid . . . birds,” she managed, just as the Lady Brianna rounded the corner and dropped to her knees in the sand.
The Lady’s gaze lingered on Trev for a moment, but he merely shook his head and indicated Gwen. “I don’t think she took harm,” he said, “but she can’t talk and she’s having trouble breathing.”

“Can . . . too . . . talk,” Gwen wheezed. “Just . . . not . . . well.”


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