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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Great Laptop Debate . . .

so when I thought about purchasing a new laptop for Christmas, I was envisioning the new mini computers (in particular, the Dell Mini 9), but fotunately realized that my hands are too big for the keyboard and it would be nearly impossible to type comfortably. As I want this to be a portable writing computer, I figured that may be a minor set-back.

So after playing with a few other sizes, I think a 12" to 13" would be my ideal. The only problem is: they've done one of two things with every 12"-13" I could find. 1) They reduced the power and took away a lot of the features (not that the Mini 9 was all that powerful); or 2) they jacked the price up to around $1,000, which is about $400 more than I was looking to spend. Anyone who is not a computer nerd may want to skip the paragraph below. Anyone who is reading this who is a computer nerd . . . please weigh in! I'd love to hear your opinion.

I've located an HP 14" for $899 (still more than I wanted to spend) that has a 2 GHz Intel processor, 4 GB Memory, and 320 GB Hard-Drive. The only cons . . . still $200 over my original price, and larger than I really like.

But the 13" HP (same model, same features) is retailing at $1,100. Love the size, perfect power . . . way over budget. Not to mention . . . none of them seem to come loaded with Microsoft Word. They all have Microsoft Works (who uses MS Works?) - so I may need to budget for a software upgrade as well.

So, then enters the debate of whether I should go with a lesser brand and a less powerful computer (I was looking at the Mini 9 after all, which wasn't the most powerful thing on the market) . . . I found a Gateway with a 1.8 Intel processor, 3 GB Memory, and 250 GB Hard-Drive for $650 (and a pretty flower pattern to make it unique and off-set that it is a 15" - and therefore the biggest of the bunch) . . . but then I look at the $899 HP and wonder if I can justify NOT spending the extra $250 for a smaller, far more powerful unit with far more functionality. Which then leads my brain down the road of trying to justify the $1,100 unit . . . which I can't. I just can't. Darn it.

So if I look a little distracted, if I'm not noveling, I'm holding internal arguments with my Chief of Creative Justification and Chief of Finances (they're locked in a death throttle at this point). Not to mention the by-standers: Chief of Holiday Planning and Thanksgiving Family Events, Chief of Remembering Birthdays (I tried to fire him years ago for poor job performance - with no luck), Chief of Remembering Work Related Potlucks, and Chief of Early-Holiday-Shopping. I can't wait for all the Chiefs to get in an argument with my novel characters, which is bound to happen sooner or later as my brain bandwidth decreases. I'm sure it will be a riot.

No . . . seriously . . . a riot. Collateral damage and all.


Blogger Michelle said...

I'd stay a way from gateway. Remember your old computer (death of fan) and Anne's current problems (just out of warranty and her computer is always on the fritz).

Gateways are total junks.

you might want to look at toshiba...they are another good reliable company.

And look! They have a less than $800 section:$800

7:41 AM  

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