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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Smacking the Dust Bunnies

Wow. Who knew blogs could get dusty?

Now that the Holiday madness, hospital visits, insane relatives and other not-so-great ways to start the New Year have come and gone . . . it is time to smack the dust bunnies off my keyboard and resume blogging!

I've also mostly recovered from the NanoWriMo marathon . . . my writing muscles are still a bit shaky - but I am diligently trying to scrape up any remaining energy to help power me over the unofficial second finish line - actually finishing out my novel. I think there are about 150 more pages to go . . . and my motivation meter has been hovering near 0 mph.

The New Year. Time to clean your closets, scrub down your house, admit that you really don't need your poster collection from college, and work on several resolutions that you may or may not intend to keep. I am taking this month to evaluate the various projects and activities that I am a part of - and attempt to prioritize and simplify my Life. Of course, my brain is humming with all sorts of strange ideas (a normal state of being, for me), and so weeding out the new projects takes almost as much time as weeding out the old.

I have been reading Glamour magazine (no really. . . I read it for the articles . . . ) - and they recently featured a debate on how women dress at work, and whether the showing of cleavage is appropriate in the workplace. The opinions on this topic are varied, to say the least. Our firm has also tightened up the dress code - including "no low cut blouses" - which is a very gray category.

So I'm in the bathroom, washing my hands, wearing a stunning red and tan dress that (ahem) admittedly has a fairly plunging neckline - and the following haiku pops into my head:

A hint of cleavage.
My top gapes. I feel their eyes -
no one respects me.

Which is odd - because I don't feel that low cut tops undermine a woman's image - unless she is wearing something truly risque. I know what you're all thinking . . . I faithfully checked your blogs for over a month - with no change - and THIS IS WHAT I GET???

I blame the dust bunnies.


Blogger Michelle said...

Dust bunnies are responsible for your cleavage?

Who knew?

2:35 PM  

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