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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Self-Imposed Schizophrenia

Life with the 'Roo . . . went to scrape frost off of windows and seal around back window popped off. Reason 462 that I am in the market for a new vehicle. Hopefully my obsession with cars will end soon with the purchase of a sturdy vehicle that I will cherish for the next 14 years of my life (which is partly why I am very tempted by little extras like sunroofs and heated seats.

Life with family . . . my dad passed away on Martin Luther King day - and I realized that if there was going to be a memorial, it was most likely up to me to both fund and plan it. I decided that my father was a "good old boy" - so I'm giving him the best "good old boy" farewell I could think of . . . I've called his favorite bar and am having an informal gathering where friends can dedicate a last drink to him.

Oddly, I find myself looking forward to his memorial. I have so many bad memories over the past five years . . . but his old friends don't have those memories. They remember him how he used to be . . . and I think that is EXACTLY the does of medicine that I need right now. I spent the past two days writing his obituary, and much to my surprise, I began unearthing good memories. . .

Someday I will be able to look at a photo album and not cry.

But all of this has led to me being slightly schizophrenic. I am juggling too many things at once (but what else is new?). I am trying to be a good mother, a good daughter, organize a memorial, and keep track of all my duties as a legal secretary. I am searching for a new car, and working on a new budget.

And did I mention I need to get going on plans for a friend's wedding?

I keep telling myself that life will slow down. Maybe someday I'll be dumb enough to believe it. But, in the meantime, I've discovered mead-filled chocolates and have hidden a stash in my drawers at work. I'm calling it self-medication.

This channel will now return to its regular program . . . with a chance of additional blogginess this weekend. Thank you for your patience while I experience technical difficulties . . .


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