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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yee Haw

Now that I've steam cleaned my carpet TWICE . . . grrrrrrr . . . it really doesn't look any better. Unfortunately, my house is "carpeted" with the same thin layer of grayish/brown thread that graces the hallways of every highschool I have ever visited. It is drab. It is functional. It is non-descrepit and has no padding (after all, if it was ugly but comfortable, that would have at least been SOMETHING).

But it is clean. Sparkly clean. Except for a few spots I need to hit with industrial strength cleaner. There is something inherently wrong with a product meant to remove three years of accumulated dirt advertising that it is "gentle on your hands."

My new cleaning mantra includes something about installing hardwood floors and dark green carpet (which the dog may or may not be allowed to EVER set foot on).

On another note . . . A. officially broke the rule that only one person is allowed to be ill in my household at any one time. He gleefully shared his germs with mommy (good thing I love my little petrie dish), and I have been hacking and snorting with the best of them - I imagine I audibly resemble a high-strung filly dancing on a rattlesnake.

As the Universe loves to torment me . . . T. had to fulfill his obligation as a groomsman in one of our good friend's wedding this weekend - so T. left Saturday afternoon to attend the rehearsal dinner and other pre-festivity preparations. Which meant I came down with this hideous cold Saturday evening. I managed to get A. in bed . . . and then the dog woke me every two hours . . . a marathon event that culminated when I discovered Ms. Tika had been unable (yet again) to control her bodily functions, and left me desperately cleaning my carpets at 2:45 a.m. (after discovering we were completely out of paper towels, of course). Kleenix just doesn't have the proper absorbancy for some jobs.

I finally shoved the dog outside at 5:45 a.m. - only to have A. wake me at 6:30 a.m., as usual. I was able to grab an extra two hours of sleep by pouring him a bowl of cereal and drowsing on the couch while he watched Lilo and Stitch for the seven hundred and nineteenth time this week. (But really, who keeps counting after the four hundred and twenty second time?) Then it was time to call in a good friend (THANK YOU S.!!!) to watch A. while I dragged my butt off the couch and 1) steam cleaned the rugs; 2) wiped out the kennel; and 3) took a hot shower in order to feel vaguely humanoid before 4) going to the wedding.

On the bright side, I feel much better now - even though I'm still croaking like a frog. A.'s nose is still running like a faucet - and T. began sneezing and coughing yesterday - so aside from the cats, it is safe to say my family is currently a walking plague.

Yee haw.


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