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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Odds and Ends

This is going to be a very disjointed post . . .

Getting back in the saddle regarding the upcoming NanoWriMo event . . . I have one more character and I will be done with character sketches (give me a break - I have TWELVE main characters). I'm not sure if this will be a single novel or a trilogy, but time will tell. Completing the last sketch will mean that I get to move on to step two - setting sketches.

My employer turned down a matching donation for The Wildlife Sanctuary claiming (as we knew they would) that this would "set a precedent" (of what? doing good deeds and helping people?) and since it offered little to no visibility or potential business development for the firm, they were not interested. However, my firm is very politcally active (both Democrat and Republican). Since I'm of the opinion we should save the tigers and shoot the politicians - my hard-earned tax dollars will continue to go the Sanctuary instead of the next political campaign.

By the way - the best way to show continued support for the Sanctuary is to commit to a long-term donation. They have "adopt an animal" programs at the $10/month, $20/month, or $30/month levels. You get a newsletter about "your" animal, and they have the option to have the donation deducted directly from your paycheck. I don't know if the Sanctuary received enough donations to stay open . . . but the more folks who show they are willing to commit to long-term support - the better the chances the Sanctuary will open again! This will also prevent the problem they had last year - a flood of donations when folks heard they were in trouble - that dwindled to nothing as "out of sight, out of mind" kicked in.

And finally . . . right when the 'Roo breaks down and I really have no money, I think I'm becoming obsessed with eventually owning a ball-jointed doll (retail $300-$2,000). No one ever said I had poor taste . . . ::sigh:: (But they are BEAUTIFUL. Really and truly BEAUTIFUL.

On the upside, T. may have a new (higher paying) job soon. Oh please oh please oh please oh please.

Enough random thoughts and tying up of loose ends. It's time to tie up something in the other room (my mind of course!) and catch some sleep. Have a great night all.

Standard news regarding The Wild Animal Sanctuary: For those who have not heard, Colorado has an awesome wildlife refuge that rescues wolves, bears, tigers, lions, and various other exotic animals from private owners who are unable to properly care for them. After 27 years of service, they are being forced to close their doors due to lack of funding. PLEASE BE A PART OF THE FIGHT TO SAVE THESE BEAUTIFUL ANIMALS!!! If only 7,500 people a year donated $1,000 - the Sanctuary could survive. The Sanctuary may not find a millionaire - but they can find a million people, each with a dollar.


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