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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Midnight Cleaning

Apparently Ms. Tika's stomach is still a little upset . . . which led to me steamcleaning my carpet from 9:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Boy, howdy, do my neighbors love me. On the bright side, my carpet is looking better than it has since we moved in. I was planning on a full house scrub and clean shortly - but I guess fate felt I needed a little prompting (and the dog is now confined to the kitchen - bleh).

So, where does this leave me? Car is fixed. Dog is semi-fixed. Child is beginning to sneeze explosively and develop cough. Sigh.

I would blog more - but I didn't expect to be deep cleaning my livingroom - so I think I'll be taking off to bed instead.

Goodnight sweet puppy,
I sure hope you sleep,
instead of coating my kitchen,
in crud three-feet deep.
So far I've mopped all the floors,
bathed the dog; cleaned the rug.
Tucked my child in bed,
his blue blankets snug.
All I can say, my sweet puppy,
is if you wake me at 2:00 -
I'm making no promises
as to what I will do.


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