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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Return from Obscurity

Though I must admit . . . in order to return from obscurity, one usually has to have a following. Thus the reason I choose to ignore the finer detail of semantics.

April and May consisted of a series of events, with me madly scrambling from one to the next. Birthday parties, holidays, bridal showers, car sales (farewell my 'Roo . . . ), a trip to Mexico, and a Celtic Woman concert . . . which was cancelled due to rain. Of course they couldn't cancel the show at 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon. They had to wait until a half hour before showtime (7:30) when everyone had already packed their cars full of rain gear and slogged their way through rivers of red mud to the ampitheatre. The invitation even said "rain or shine, the show must go on. Bring warm clothing and a poncho." LIARS!

On the bright side, T. and I enjoyed a lovely walk around Redrocks in the rain.

Life happens. My little one continues to grow. He's making up his own stories now.

A: [Crouched over and looking intently at a stepping stone.] Look, mommy. There's an ant!
Me: I see the ant. What's he doing?
A: He's looking for the rolly-polly.
Me: Why is he looking for the rolly-polly?
A: Because he wants to say: "Hey, Dude. Are you okay?"

The rest of life continues as it always has . . . though my trip to Mexico reinforced the feeling that I have allowed too many things to complicate my life . . . and retrieving my brain from the land of margaritas and warm beaches has not been an easy task (pictures coming soon!).

I don't know which I would rather have: an "easy button" or the magical green bracelet the resort gave us, which allowed access to free drinks and food at any time of day.

Choices. Choices.


Blogger Priestess Of Nothing said...

Welcome back from obscurity! And welcome back from Mexico.

Looking forward to pictures! See you soon (though I don't know when, but eventually I'm sure!)

- Wendy

7:33 PM  

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