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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


There are times that I envy Christians their blind faith in a higher Power.

How comforting to lay your troubles upon another. To know that even when bad things happen, they have a purpose - even if it is a purpose that you cannot see.

But, long ago, I made the choice to be the captain of my own ship - and the Biblical God does not take kindly to those who wish to be in control of their own destiny. I am not made of the material that can believe without proof.

In short, I lack faith.

It boils down to choice and responsibility. The Pagan religions place you in charge of your own destiny - but also hold you accountable for your mistakes. I have found that I am a brutal taskmaster. And though my heart aches with the choices I have made, I still revel in my freedom to make those choices.

But it does not mean that I am not weary, and that I do not need a place to rest my head. Any who have wished me ill have found satisfaction. Yet I persevere.

To dare to hope. To dream.

I brush the cobwebs from my eyes.


Blogger Priestess Of Nothing said...

While you may lack faith, dear lady, you remain one of the most spiritual people I have ever met. When you are in a room, there is a sense of "spirit", a sense of "otherworldly" that you bring with you.

I am sorry that you're weary. I wish I could help. But being a faithless heathen myself, I have no good Gods to offer you. I can only say I hear ya, sista! And that I am glad that you persevere.

You have taught me more about faith and religion, about paganism and energy than you even realize. I am so glad to have met you. And hopefully the bluebird of happiness will poop on all of those who wish you ill, so we can recognize them by the poop on their shirts and trip them in the street. Oh yeah. :) See you Saturday!

8:15 PM  

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