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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Too Many Projects

Is it possible for your cup to be both full and empty?

I have finally come to the conclusion that I truly, seriously, really, honestly, this time I mean it for reals, need to take a hard look at my life and get rid of those activities that are sucking energy without replenishing any. On the other hand, in an effort to revive some vestige of the energy and enjoyment I get out of my hobbies, I have re-started all of them at once.

No one ever accused me of being overly brilliant :P I had an Uncle once who inferred quite the opposite. Then again, I'd be smart enough to get my prostate cancer operated on . . . so I think we're even.

Blogging is sporadic as I communicate with M. and a few others and try to assist in the creation of a Japanese self-study group. My Muse has been clamoring for attention . . . which has resulted in an additional 2,000 words to the end of my NanoWriMo novel (I hereby nickname that project Winds). But starting all of these projects at once means my attention resembles rainfall in Colorado - here one second, gone the next, and no idea if it'll come back . . . ever. A lot of new interests means little progress in any one of them. But if it begins to replenish the energy in my cup . . . it will be worth it. My cup isn't just empty . . . the liquid ran out, the heat was still on, the cracks began forming, and I'm somewhere between a really nasty burner mark and a sheer split.

On the other hand . . . it is in times of adversity that things come sharply into perspective, and I am getting a better idea of what is important to me in this Life - and there is definitely something to be said for the ability to prioritize my future goals.


Many folks comment on my strength . . . but sometimes I feel like a katana that has been folded in fire 10,000 times. Wasn't 9,999 enough? Really?



Blogger Michelle said...

I'm a firm believer that if you really want to do it you will make time for it.

Otherwise you had no real interest in the first place and it's best just to let it go.

7:37 AM  

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