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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Bloggers Block

A few folks have commented that my blogging has slowed down. The reason is simple - my bloggers block can be traced to a simple lack of time. (Okay, okay - so I decided that maybe sleep and 30 minutes of yoga in the morning were slightly more important than blogging. I know. I'm sorry.)

This is a heads up that my blog may be updated a little less frequently as the Holiday Season approaches. In addition to the Holidays, I will be participating in NanoWriMo in November - which means every spare second I have will be spent spitting out the word-count to my novel. Wish me luck! (I debated working on the novel over my lunch break at work - but I'll have to figure out some politically correct way to signal to my attorneys that interruptions will end with some sort of extreme and messy workplace violence. Ideas, anyone?)

In the meantime . . . I have NEW FURNITURE. Happy furniture! Furniture that isn't odds-and-ends-left-over-from-college-furniture (THANK YOU MOM. THANK YOU MOMMY-K.) Furniture that doesn't have slits in the side where the cats can crawl in. I know. I know. A little damage shouldn't matter. But, it is a little disconcerting to be watching a movie and feel something wiggle under your butt. Of course, this leaves me only two days before the new stuff arrives to locate assistance in removing my old furniture.

Umm. . . yeah . . .

I guess this is where planning comes in handy.

If necessary, I think T. has a hacksaw. And on that note - good night all!


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