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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sabertooth Sheep

I just returned from an absolutely lovely party at a friend's house, wherein I was introduced to both her fiance and her harps - good company, good food, and a great time.

I also learned that there was such a thing as a saber-toothed sheep. (Raise your hand if you find that image as disturbing as I do.) The skull was in a curio case, along with many other beautiful fossils. . . trilobytes anyone? The sheep skull actually had the flat molars of an herbivore, and two extended arching eye-teeth like a saber-toothed tiger. Ah. . . saber-toothed sheep. Terror of the savannah.

Then again, if you've ever seen the pig-horse on display in the Denver Museum of Natural History, maybe the saber-toothed sheep wasn't all that strange after all. Though one does have to wonder, if sheep had retained those teeth, would we treat them the same way we do today? Or would we have flocks of rampaging wild sheep praying on our tame flocks of wolves?

I take no responsibility for this post. It is late (11:46 p.m.) and I officially lose brain function at 11:00 p.m. I have now turned into a pumpkin and am off to bed.

But I'm sure as Hell not counting sheep to put me to sleep!


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