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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Monday, July 07, 2008

It's Not Always About You . . .

A piece of coffee shop wisdom. . .

A friend and I were discussing the theories behind The Secret (for those who haven't read the book, it centers on the law of attraction: i.e., if you think good thoughts, good things happen. If you think bad thoughts, bad things happen.) To an extent, I agree this is true.

But we've all had the perfect day . . . the day when the sun was shining, the birds were singing, traffic was light, and Life was zooming along at 90 miles an hour when suddenly the Universe kicks you in the teeth . . . HARD.

This has always been my issue with The Secret. It didn't seem to account for the things outside your control . . . the (for lack of a better word) STUFF that Life throws at you. But I think my friend W. has it right.

It's not always about you.

That's right, boys and girls, (and transexual, heterosexual, hermaphrodite, and undecided . . . don't you wonder what addressing a crowd will be like in the next 400 years :P :P :P) . . .

It's not always about you.

Maybe the secret to The Secret is that the Universe occasionally borrows your Life to create the situation in someone else's. To illustrate the point . . .

My friend W. was having a perfect day when she was in a fairly severe car wreck. Someone rear-ended her van, on the FREEWAY, doing a minimum of 75. Talk about a dent you can't hammer out . . .

She told me that for weeks she thought about why the car wreck had happened. She knew she hadn't been zooming down the freeway thinking "Wow! I really hope someone rear-ends me! You know what would make my day? A high-speed collision . . . WHEEE!!!!"

And then one day, it hit her.

It's not always about you.

The car in front of her was a Geo with three kids in the back. If her van hadn't been there, most certainly one . . . if not all three . . . probably would have died.

Every once in a while I get a blinding flash of light when I hear a story. An epiphany that gives me goosebumps. This made that feeling look like a Polaroid flash in a lightning storm.

As a sidenote, the van was still drivable, and she now has a custom bumper sticker that reads "I brake for tailgaters." Oddly enough, NO ONE tailgates her.

So in a way, the car wreck has a happy ending for everyone. Think about that one for a while. :P :P :P


Blogger veryberry said...

wow... this post really helped me.... I was having a bad day...and for some reason this post made me feel thank you. (it is B. from las vegas)

8:55 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...


There is that whole chapter on who you associate with...

But then I'm probably a bad influence.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Andrea Peach said...

True enough about the chapter on who you associate with . . . except that doesn't account for things like walking down a hall, minding your own business, brain happily humming away about the great date you have that evening, when you stub your toe, spill hot coffee on your shirt, and stumble into your friends office to lose your balance and flatten their small pot of geraniums. The Secret claims you were thinking about NOT spilling the coffee . . . but no . . . sometimes you're really not thinking about the coffee at all . . . and STUFF still happens.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Actually this is where you take into account self responsibility.

You chose to walk down the hall and not pay attention.


You realize this and move on. It's not about you but your choices still led you there.

7:23 AM  

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