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I am an aspiring writer and dedicated mommy who hopes to leave the world a little better than I found it. Of course, from what I can tell, as long as I don't drop-kick the world into a giant vat of sewage, I will have accomplished that goal.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

My On-going Involuntary Relationship

Spiders. They love me. The follow me. They build their webs in my car and plague my house. But this week, one of them crossed the line . . . he was in my TOASTER OVEN!!! No, he didn't survive the experience . . . . actually, I'm not quite sure how long he was there, poor little critter, crispied among the other blackened toast crumbs. He was definitely there long enough to be deep fried. And toasted spiders are probably a delicacy somewhere in the world.

At least he wasn't explodey . . . but I repeat, in my TOASTER OVEN!!!

I think the worst part was that A. noticed him while we were cooking toast . . . which meant the toaster was too hot to clean . . . so I had to let fried spidey cool while I went to work . . . . blergh.

On a similarly humorous side, I managed to slice my thumb on a staple at work - trust me, it was an impressive job on a standard-sized staple. T., A., and I have been watching a Japanese animation called Naruto (EXCELLENT - highly recommended), in which the main characters are ninja and sometimes summon other critters by biting their thumb to draw blood and then slamming their hand onto a surface and yelling "Summoning Jutsu!" Needless to say, I tried. (Okay. . . not really - they frown on getting blood on your paperwork.)

I did call T. at work and tell him. He laughed and told me that with my luck, I'd summon an eight foot spider, and be forced to run around the office screaming.

He's right you know.

Stupid spiders.


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